Home Forums Software Release Notes 17.11.2024: v1.5.0 (Part 2)

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  • #4227

      Abstract: Grid view, LiteRT and Conda plus a lot more

      – We have activated the grid view that will display your cameras in the most space saving way. You will find this option in the submenues for Cameras, Detectors and Preferences. Unfortunate the preferences grid is not yet working. It will in the next release.

      – We now have a quota system sending warning emails if the HD or SD space gets tight and prevents from filling up the space completely.

      – We can now configure distributed systems sharing the workload. For example, we used that for our two servers, one (in Karlsruhe) doing the web service (django.cam-ai.eu) and one (in Eygelshoven) doing the training.

      – The inferencing on the Raspi servers is now done with LiteRT-Models that are specifically designed for small servers.

      – The Python environment for the server process on the Raspi is now Conda. The same as it is on the PC installations.

      – CAM-AI was adapted to run with the most recent versions of Python, Django, Channels and Tensorflow.

      – …lots of little improvements and bug fixings…



      • This topic was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by ludger.
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